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Extra Curricular Clubs

Extra Curricular Activities at Hampton Hargate Primary School

At Hampton Hargate there are many opportunities for learning to take place beyond normal school hours, both during lunchtime and after school. Every week there are a range of extra curricular activities offered to the children, hosted by staff at the school and specialist instructors and coaches. These give the children the opportunity to learn new skills and develop new interests.

Many sports activities are enjoyed by children at the school. Our football and netball clubs prove very popular. Athletics coaches also visit the school regularly, along with specialist coaches from Peterborough United football Club.

Our Lego League club during the autumn term is a fantastic initiative for out talented mathematicians. It is run by undergraduates from Perkins, a local engineering company. The children have to build and program Lego robots.   Their goal is taking part in an inter-school competition.

The school provides opportunities to learn a range of musical instruments from qualified instructors. Our violin, keyboard and brass lessons prove very popular, as does our guitar and singing lessons. Our school choir meet at lunchtimes and have taken part in concerts across Peterborough, perhaps most notably at events at Peterborough Cathedral.

Gardening and growing food on our school allotment is another popular activity, the children care for the allotment during weekly lunch time visits This has provided some excellent produce and has taught the children valuable new skills to help and encourage them to ‘grow their own’.


KS1 Clubs



Year Group/s


Outside agency (Adam Clements) Kick Off Soccer 

Tuesday  3.15pm – 4.20pm

 Year 2


Outside agency (Adam Clements) Kick Off Soccer 

Wednesday 3.15pm – 4.20pm

Year 1

Hockey Club

Outside agency (Adam Clements) Kick Off Soccer 

Thursday 3.15pm - 4.20pm

Year 2

KS1 Choir Mrs Firth Monday 12.30pm - 1.00pm Year 1 & 2
Gymnastics Just Do Sport Tuesday 3.15pm - 4.20pm Year 1 & 2
Athletics Club Just Do Sport Friday 3.15pm - 4.20pm Year 1 & 2
Zumba Mrs Moore Mondays 3.20pm - 4.20pm Year 1 & 2
Lego Club Miss Griffin Mondays 3.15pm - 4.20pm Year 1


KS2 Clubs



Year Group/s


Outside agency (Adam Clements)   Kick Off Soccer 

Monday 3.15pm – 4.20pm

 Years 4/5/6

Girls Only Football

Outside agency (Adam Clements)   Kick Off Soccer 

Monday 3.15pm – 4.20pm

 Years 3/4/5/6


Outside agency (Adam Clements) Kick Off Soccer 

Tuesday  3.15pm – 4.20pm

 Year 3

Hockey Club

Outside agency (Adam Clements) Kick Off Soccer 

Thursday 3.15pm - 4.20pm

Years 3/4/5/6


Outside agency (Adam Clements) Kick Off Soccer 

Friday 3.15pm - 4.20pm

Years 3/4/5/6

Netball Just Do Sports Thursday 3.15pm - 4. 20pm Year 3&4
Football Team Training Mr Milner Thursdays 3.15pm - 4.15pm Invited children
Cricket Just Do Sports Monday 3.15pm - 4.30pm Year 5&6
KS2 Choir Mrs Firth Wednesday           1.00pm - 1.30pm Years 3/4/5/6
Gymnastics Just Do Sport


3.15 - 4.20pm

Years 3/4/5/6
Striking and Fielding Just Do Sport


3.15pm - 4.20pm

Years 3/4/5/6
Zumba Mrs Moore


3.20pm - 4.20pm

Yr 3/4/5/6
Zumba  Mrs Moore


3.20pm - 4.20pm

Yr 3/4/5/6
Maths Club Miss Shepherd and Mrs Brooker


1.00pm - 1.25pm

Athletics Club Just Do Sport Friday 3.15pm - 4.20pm Year 3 & 4