Music - KS2 - Year 3 - Year 6
Spring Term 2025
Year 3
African Drumming
This term Year 3 will look at music from Africa. They will learn an African song, and look at the instruments that are native to the people of different tribes. Through listening, the context and use of the music will be looked at, and different terminology will be learnt. As a result, students will perform, as a class, a piece of drumming based on African rhythms, before trying to compose their own rhythms.
Year 4
Production / Pen Drumming
This term Year 4 will use their music lesson to develop their vocal strength and stamina, and prepare for their production of “Sleeping Beauty – The Ugly Truth” in March. Through warm-ups, exercises and rehearsals the students will become more aware of how to use their voice in a performance. In addition, Year 4 will perform "Pen Drumming", where all they need to create music is pens! They will read percussion scores and interpret these as well as learning new rhythms and performing these in context.
Year 5
What is Music?
In “What is music?”, Year 5 will investigate the keyboard further, extending their playing ability and looking at other things the keyboard can do to help them improve their performance. They will listen to more Romantic Era music and start to plot this on a timeline to understand the development of the orchestra. Students will also look at the Spirituals of the 19th Century and their historical context. In addition, students will use their skills to sing in parts, and prepare songs for their end of term Year 5 performance.
Year 6
The Blues
In music this term, Year 6 will look at the “Blues” genre of music. They will listen to examples of music and how they have been composed, whilst understanding the cultural and historical influences on the style. Students will break down the music and learn to play chords, a walking bass, and also improvise using a “Blues Scale”, before using music technology to record it. Students will create this piece on their own. Students will also compose their own lyrics in the style of the Blues, reflecting on current social issues.