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Music - KS1 - Year 1 / Year 2

Autumn Term 2024 

Year 1

Term 1 - All About Me (Pulse and Rhythm)

Through listening to a range of different music and playing games, children will learn to identify the difference between pulse and rhythm in a song. They will then consolidate this through listening and performing activities, whilst really getting to know each other. 

Term 2 - Snail and Mouse (Tempo)

Children will use bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of music with fast and slow speeds. They will learn and perform a rhyme and a song focussing on fast and slow, having listened to it and understood how the song goes.

In addition, during this term, Year 1 will spend time learning the songs for their production. They will develop their singing through various vocal exercises and techniques.

Year 2

Term 1 - Animals (Call and Response)

Students will learn a traditional Ghanaian song, use simple musical notation and compose some simple call and response rhythms through the theme of Animals. They will work in small groups as well as individually, and create their own sound patterns based on call and response patterns they have learnt, using instruments, their voice and body percussion. 

Term 2 - Musical Storytelling (Instruments)

Through listening and composing, children will learn to explore how dynamics, tempo and different instruments help to represent parts of stories. They will work in groups to create their own story with relevant effects, recognising characters and actions. 

During this term, the children will also prepare for their Christmas production. They will spend time singing and developing their vocal technique.