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School Aims and Vision

Hampton Hargate Primary School’s Vision Statement

At Hampton Hargate Primary School we are committed to the academic, personal, social and emotional development of all of our pupils. We create an engaging environment where successful and inspiring teaching, enthusiastic learning, tolerance and mutual respect towards others is valued above all else.

In pursuit of excellence we will always endeavour to demonstrate best practice, promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils - in our school and in society - and prepare the children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We promote teaching practices, whole-school procedures and a school environment that are dyslexia friendly, designed to empower all pupils to thrive.

We ensure pupils experience a broad and balanced curriculum which supports, challenges and extends their self-discipline, motivation and self-esteem. By working closely with pupils, parents and the wider community, we will support and encourage the children to develop into confident, independent, successful and responsible individuals who have an appreciation and an appropriate sense of Citizenship.

Hampton Hargate Primary School’s Aims

Our aim is to foster the development of inquisitive and well-informed children who are able to think for themselves and act in a responsible, independent way. We aim to develop enquiring open minds, self-disciplined work habits and a search for excellence in all things.

We will strive to:

  • create a whole school atmosphere which has high aspirations, values achievement, celebrates success and places importance on the learning process as well as learning outcomes
  • establish a happy and stimulating environment in which each child will be motivated and nurtured to achieve their potential
  • develop each child's ability to study, question, think critically and discuss rationally
  • set standards of behaviour, effort, attainment and challenge which exercise each child's capabilities to the full and prepare them for the next stage in their education
  • encourage every child to think and act responsibly, appreciating and considering the needs and feelings of others
  • promote equality of opportunity through our school’s dyslexia-friendly approach, taking account of differences (for example, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, social context, vulnerable child status) and help to overcome barriers to learning in order to raise achievement and fulfilment for all our children
  • stimulate a sense of natural curiosity, excitement and enjoyment about the world
  • monitor and evaluate our teaching and learning to continue to raise expectations and ensure the highest outcomes for all pupils
  • develop effective working partnerships with pupils, parents, staff, governors and the wider community to further enhance the life of the school

The principle curriculum aims are:

  • to provide a curriculum that inspires and excites our pupils to achieve excellence and motivates them to succeed
  • to master key skills in reading, writing and maths that can be applied to a range of contexts and purposes and strengthened in all curriculum areas
  • to promote a positive attitude towards learning, so that students enjoy coming to school, and acquire a solid basis for lifelong learning
  • to help each child use language effectively across all subjects within a creative, broad and balanced curriculum, where meaningful links are maximised
  • to foster a love of reading within a text rich environment in order to access all curriculum areas, unlocking their imagination and potential to succeed
  • to provide an environment which fosters spiritual growth and respect towards all races, cultures and ways of life
  • to provide opportunities for all round physical development through creative, competitive and challenging activities