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Friends of Hampton Hargate Primary School

What is the Friends PTA?

The Friends of Hampton Hargate PTA (Parent - Teacher Association) are a group of volunteers who are dedicated to raising money and making a difference to our school so that our children can have the best educational opportunities possible, even when the school budget is not available to pay for it.

We work closely together with the school to identify what the children need and what we can do which enrich their school experience. During the past few years, The Friends of Hampton Hargate PTA has worked hard to run a variety of events and have raised fantastic sums of money.

Our main goal each academic year is to raise money for the school to use on extra items, equipment and opportunities which otherwise wouldn't be possible.

We have an AGM (Annual General Meeting) held in September where we elect committee members and set out our calendar of events for the academic year.  We usually meet around twice a term (meetings usually 1 hour to 1 hour and half) to organise individual events and can have extra meetings in smaller groups to organise specific events if/when needed.

We encourage as many parents/carers as possible to get in touch and get involved.  You may wish to join the PTA committee or if you feel you do not have time for that, you can become one of our event volunteers. We usually need more help at our larger fundraising events such as the Summer Fayre and the Christmas Fayre.

The PTA is a great opportunity to meet other parents and get involved in supporting the school so if you wish to be a part of the PTA, join our volunteer list or have any questions then please email the Vice Chair on

Who runs the PTA?

We have Committee Members and a larger group of members and volunteers who help whenever or wherever they can.

The committee members for the year 2024-2025 are:

Chair - Venetia Mann                                    

Vice Chair - Kelly Bortey

Treasurer - Angela Finch                               

Communications Officer - Hayley Templeman

PTA Support - Francesca Elliot

What does the money get spent on?

The funds raised by the PTA are spent on a variety of things to help improve our school and the experience for all our children.

Over the years, we have funded or donated towards:

  • Interactive classroom screens
  • Netbooks/Chromebooks for KS2 pupils,
  • Ipads across the school
  • Picnic tables
  • Yr6 Leaver's bears
  • Musical equipment
  • Equipment for sewing club
  • International Languages Week
  • Contributed towards costs of artistic wall art around school
  • Sports equipment
  • Wet play games
  • Consoles and games
  • Christmas party food
  • Ocarinas and music books
  • Sports Week events every year since 2010
  • Sound and lighting system for the new hall
  • Staging for the new hall
  • Markings on playground
  • Mini eggs for the Easter gifts made by the children.

What events do the PTA run?

We try to offer a varied calendar of events throughout the year to make sure we can raise enough funds to make a difference to our school and our children.  We organise activities that appeal to children of all ages and their families.  All PTA events depend on volunteers to support, plan, and run each event.

Some events are open to the public so we encourage you to bring along friends and family who will love to see and support where the children go to school and have some fun at the same time!

Our recent events include: Christmas Fayre, Discos, Movie nights, Christmas performance refreshments, Summer Fayre, Raffles, pamper night and many more.

How to volunteer and why we need you

Our PTA depends on a continual cycle of parent involvement.  As children reach their final year and leave, so do their parents.  The PTA is a mixture of parents that work together for the benefit of our school.  Some are full-time parents, some work part-time or work full-time. None of us are specialists in fundraising. 

As you can imagine it takes a lot of effort to put on events and raise money.  We encourage parents to get in touch and get involved, whether it’s contributing ideas in a planning meeting, spending half-an-hour manning a stall, wrapping some gifts at Christmas or helping at an event here and there, we have a variety of small and large tasks we need help with.

We often ask for volunteer requests via parent pay. if you're interested please email the PTA Vice chair on

Contact us

Chair -

Vice Chair -