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Year 6

Spring Term 2025 


In the run up to the SATS in May we are focussing on our problem-solving skills and ensuring the children have all the strategies they need to tackle more complex questions. Written methods remain a focus and we are working hard on practising the strategies that are both quick and accurate. Number and calculation work remain a key to both problem solving and arithmetic and we are making sure that they remain at the heart of our teaching this term. We are working hard to fill any gaps in the children’s knowledge to help them with their transition to secondary school in September.


We are continuing to build up a range of different writing styles to suit different genres and purposes. We are using books and stories as an inspiration for our writing. There are even more opportunities to write independently this term covering all manner of writing styles. We are also looking at spelling patterns and our use of grammar and punctuation. In addition, we are working to improve our reading skills, especially focussing on retrieving information, summarising and inference.


This term the children will be investigating the natural world. First, we will begin by identifying and naming the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describing the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. We will then investigate the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way our bodies function. The lessons will then move on to describing the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. Later in the term, we will investigate how living things produce offspring that are similar but not identical to their parents.  We will then identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways. Finally we will study how living things have changed over time and look at how fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.


We will begin our Topic lessons with a study on the history of Peterborough. This will begin with a look at the prehistoric creatures that roamed the area millions of years ago. We will then investigate the significance of Peterborough Cathedral in both local and national history. Finally, we return even closer to home and find out about the modern of expansion of Peterborough, covering the 1960s township strategy that created Hampton. After half term we are moving onto a Geography unit, using Cambridge as a case study. This will include different types of map work, identifying places and environments. We will also use the 8 compass points and sketch a map using symbols and a key. Pupils will also be asked to select a map for a specific purpose.


In music we will look at the “Blues” genre of music. The children will listen to examples of music and how they have been composed, whilst understanding the cultural and historical influences on the style. Students will break down the music and learn to play chords, a walking bass, and also improvise using a “Blues Scale”, using online keyboards.  Students will perform on their own, as well as in a group, listening to each other and developing their ensemble skills. Students will also compose their own lyrics in the style of the Blues, reflecting on current social issues.


Our RE focus this term is pilgrimage. We will look at different religions and consider why people choose to make pilgrimages and what they hope to achieve by doing so. The children will be able to consider the different forms of pilgrimage and consider what kind of journeys these include. They will also investigate how pilgrimages are different to holidays or other types of travelling.


Our lessons in personal, social and health education will this term look at why we worry. We will consider ways to identify the reasons why we become anxious, understanding how it is a normal part of life and how to cope with these feelings. Our focus will also be on our lives online as we consider the issues surrounding making friends and the dangers that come with this. There will a further online theme as we look at in-app purchases and how to manage these in a sensible and responsible way.


This term we will begin by working on a range of observational skills and colour mixing, exploring tone, tints and shades. We will design and make a range of Maya masks considering the styles and tastes of these traditional south American people. Following this, we will explore the Japanese artist, Hokusai. We will study his famous wave and volcano pictures and consider ways that we can personalise his ideas by using a variety of artistic materials and techniques.


In PE this term we are focussing on our team work with basketball and dodgeball. As well as playing lots of games we will focus on the skills needed to be successful in both of these areas. There will also be a chance for the children to show their creative ideas in a unit on dance. Meanwhile, there will be an opportunity to develop our hockey skills, before moving on to playing small sided games.


In DT the children will have a chance to design and create moving and mechanised toys. We will focus on an understanding of mechanisation including the use of cams. The children will consider different ways to make their toys move and then work together to decide the best way to achieve this. Once the building process is done, there will be a chance to fully evaluate the finished toy and establish ways that it could be improved if made again.


In Computing this term, we will be further developing our coding skills by creating variables needed to create more sophisticated games. We are revisiting the coding platform Scratch and using the skills developed in previous years.  The children will have a chance to create their own games using the variables they have created. We will then move on to using spreadsheets and using formulas to save time with our calculations